Thursday, August 08, 2013

Gray Hairstreak

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No, not on my head — in my garden! This cute little butterfly visited yesterday. I had never seen one before and had to look it up. I love the eyes and extra tails on the back to confuse predators. It was not shy and I was able to get these shots with my 55mm lens instead of having to zoom in from farther away. 

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However, I might get a few gray hairs over trying to decide what to do about our vacation to San Miguel, Mexico in late October/early November. Right now it doesn't look like either my sister or friend Carolyn is going to be able to housesit for us. We have to make a decision in two weeks since the rest of the deposit needs to be paid on the casita we are renting. To go or not to go? Will Alex be okay to leave then? Will  going to kennel have any effect on his disease?

We've been so looking forward to this vacation we really can't not go because of Alex, who at this point is really doing well. We can't predict the future so we need to make a decision based on what we know now. The vet assures me that his possibly being stressed while being boarded should have no adverse effects on the cancer. He did tell me that they board many dogs right there at the facility that need extra attention or medical treatments while their owners are away so I think I will look into that more fully. That way he'd be cared for if he needed medical attention, or if he gets picky and doesn't eat they can deal with that too. I hate to leave him where he's not familiar with the routine like he is at the normal kennel, but then again, will the normal kennel do anything about it if he's not eating or he gets sick?

Decisions, decisions, and none of them easy.

Next entry: Cancelled and Frog Heaven

Previous entry: The Weekend That Was


Welcome, I'm Lynne. You know me better as a 'new' Jersey Girl. But now I've moved once again, this time to North Carolina. Here I write about my thoughts, good food, and of course, dogs.

© 2006-2023 Lynne Robinson All photography and text on this blog is copyright. For use or reproduction please ask me first.

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