Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Rainy Days and Tuesdays

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Yesterday it rained. Unlike the song rainy days and Mondays always get me down, it was really quite welcome. Besides that, it was Tuesday. At least you don't have to shovel rain and it's a step in the right direction towards spring. 

The dogs tried to persuade me to take them somewhere but for once I didn't give in to them. I just stayed dry inside and started my knitting project of Rick's felted slippers. His old ones have sprouted a hole in the toe. 

At times the rain poured from the sky, drumming on the skylights above me in the sun room. It seemed to come in waves. Whenever it started raining hard all of a sudden, eBay would lift her head up from her spot by the fire and look up as if to say what is that noise??  Once they resigned themselves from not getting to "go for a ride"  the dogs just laid around and didn't even ask to be let outside in the yard.


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By late afternoon the rain had stopped and the sun came out for a short while. I loved how the raindrops reflected the sun's rays.


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The rain washed most of the snow away except for a few small patches where it had been plowed or shoveled. Things are definitely looking brighter!


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Linked in to Rurality Blog Hop



Puddled Reflection

Raindrops on Pine Tree

Raindrops on Branches

Pine Cone Afloat


Welcome, I'm Lynne. You know me better as a 'new' Jersey Girl. But now I've moved once again, this time to North Carolina. Here I write about my thoughts, good food, and of course, dogs.

© 2006-2023 Lynne Robinson All photography and text on this blog is copyright. For use or reproduction please ask me first.

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