Wednesday, January 23, 2013


IMG 6910

7 Degrees F, that is. That was the temperature when I got up this morning. Now it’s a big 16 degrees out there. BRRRRR.

When I took the dogs for a ride to the grocery and library this morning I noticed some interesting freezing going on in the little stream that runs alongside the main road. I got the hare-brained idea to try and get some photos.

I am determined, if not crazy.

So, when I got home I suited up in my warm parka, thermal gloves, boots and camera. I added in a pair of fingerless gloves for switching to when I wanted to manipulate the camera. I shrugged into my parka and zipped it up as far as it would go so that it covered my chin. As I stepped outside I flipped up the hood of the parka. I had flashbacks to when I was a child and my mom would put me in my snowsuit, my little legs so padded by layers they could barely move.

At first I was warm enough and the exercise felt good. I’m sure the people passing by me in cars thought I was crazy, but I couldn’t see their expressions because my field of vision was hampered by the faux fur of my hood, which is all I could really see as I trudged along.

My first stop was a spot where I had seen ice globes previously, but there weren’t really any to be seen and the ice was nothing special.

Further down there were some interesting frozen areas of the stream but I soon realized that it was too cold for the fingerless gloves, even for a few short minutes. For me this is not a good thing since I do suffer at times from Raynaud’s syndrome and the tips of my fingers were indeed white and painful. Time to head back and put on heavier gloves.

IMG 6920

I got a few photos but all in all, photographically speaking, it was a bust.

Thankfully I had stoked the fire in the wood stove before I left so I could come home and warm my hands up over its cozy warmth. I don’t think I will be venturing back out again today.

IMG 6911

(photos: Icy Stream)


You owe use a Lytro shot soon!

Brrrr. It really is cold out there.

Yeah, I know. But the instructions for the Lytro say to keep it away from these kinds of temps. smile

Really? You can’t use a Lytro in cold weather? That’s weird.

I like the abstract quality of the second pic. smile

Steve, the instructions for the Lytro say to operate it only between temps of 41 F and 104 F. I think it is more sensitive than most cameras. It also says if you drop it your warranty will be void. Delicate, delicate!

Glad you liked the pic!

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