Sunday, May 27, 2012

Grand Island, Nebraska

The “I” states are behind us now and so is a small bite out of the state of Nebraska. Good thing we are in for the night because it looks like some nasty weather about to hit us.

Not a totally pleasant drive today. The wind was really blowing all the way through Iowa and the part of Nebraska that we drove through. Nothing new about the wind and Nebraska. It’s always blowing. Funny thing about wind. You don’t notice it that much on the East Coast where there are plenty of trees to break it up. Here there is nothing so you feel the full force of it. And of course it’s always sideways!

New camera battery charging ... haven’t configured the new camera yet ... drinking a glass of wine while waiting for our pizza to be delivered.

Road tired and brain dead!

Next stop: the cabin!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


What a shame about your camera but a new one has to be good!  Bet you are all looking forward to your next stop.

Sorry your camera pooped out, but I doubt it was because you left it outside a couple of weeks ago. It was probably just its time to go. Sniff. Glad you got a new one (that was quick!)

So….. what type of camera did you get???

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Next entry: From 650 to 8,650

Previous entry: Camera crap out!


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