Off the Grid  Retirement at our remote log cabin in Colorado

Wednesday, June 01, 2016

After Dinner Drive

Posted by: Lynne

It was such a pretty evening last night that we decided to take the Ranger out for a short drive down to Bucky Beaver's. Bucky wasn't ready for visitors but we did see this cow moose, right where we saw the one yesterday morning, (same one?). She was camera shy and beat a hasty retreat.

The light at this time of day was wonderful! 

Clouds, always clouds!

Patient Rick waits as I snap some quick shots.

Poor us!

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Going to Get the Mail

Posted by: Lynne

Saturday when we drove down to get the mail we saw this strange phenomenon in the sky. Not a rainbow, not a sun dog. It's called cloud iridescence and is caused by water droplets or small ice crystals scattering the light. I have never seen this before. Here is a closer look.

It was beautiful to see but it didn't last long. I'm so glad we managed to catch it!

There are many sights to see on the way to get the mail. This old root cellar belongs to a very old homestead.

Our postal journey also crosses through Chimney Rock Ranch were there are many strange and wonderful sandstone formations scoured by the elements. One in paticular that we have named Darth Vader for reasons that are obvious. At least we think so! Those staring eyes, oh so creepy and the helmet of course!

The day was so beautiful and the clouds were stupendous. At one point there was such beauty all around me that I asked Rick to pinch me. I kid you not. I have missed the west with its sweeping vistas so much.

Tiny arches are forming in this rock.

It's not a 25-minuate chore at all to get the mail. You never know what you might see. Today on our way out to town we encountered a cow moose at the Bucky Beaver's dam. She was standing right in the middle of the road and spooked when she saw our truck. She startled us by jumping right into the deep pool in the creek formed by the dam and swimming! Of course by the time I got the camera ready she was on shore and back in the willows. 

On our way back in there were two cow elk in the same spot that we saw the moose on the way out. They quickly made a hasty retreat into the willows to safety.

What do you see when you get your mail or on the way in and out of town?

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Morning Walkabout

Posted by: Lynne

These are some photos from our walkabout this morning. Finallly, a beautiful clear blue sky to greet us! It's been kind of stormy weather since we arrived, can it really be two weeks ago? It sure doesn't seem like two weeks. And to think that normally we'd be heading back east right about now if this was vacation. I'm so glad to be staying this time. 

And can it really be one week already since little munchkin Destin came to live with us? 

Above is the view from one direction on top of the hill with Bull Mountain in the background. I love the walk up the sage-covered hill, it's good aerobic exercise. Plus, in the spring there are lots of tiny wildflowers, like tundra flowers. Can't wait for them to emerge. Here is the view from the other direction with the Snowy Range in the background. The cabin is back in the trees to the right.

Right now it's pasque flower time since the snow has recently left. Purple as far as the eye can see.

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Friday, May 20, 2016

Help Us Name “Our” Moose!

Posted by: Lynne

Altough the moose did not grace us with his presence today, we have no doubt he will be back many times. It has alway been our habit to name the creatures that share our space. In New Jersey we named the bears.

First came Doris who was living under the deck of neighbor Kim's house when they moved in. She named her Doris because that was the name of the previous owner. Then came Ursa with her 3 cubs, named Ursa after the dog star because she tolerated the dogs when they happened to be in the back yard at the same time she was. She came around all the time for the space of one summer. The most memorable bear I named Fertile Myrtle because she had 5 cubs which is pretty much unheard of. They were fun to watch grow up. There were others too, but those were our favorites.

So, with that in mind we have collected a few names that we think would be fitting for moose. Yes indeed, fellow readers, it's POLL TIME! Please vote for your favorite. (Please Note: We left "Bullwinkle" off because it really is too obvious and common.)

  • Monty
  • Wilbur
  • Morris
  • Elliot
  • Stanley
  • Elmer
  • Milton
  • Bullvedere
  • Morley (thanks, Toni!)
  • Or Leave your own suggestion in comments!

You have not yet voted.

Wildflower Season Begins!

Posted by: Lynne

One of the first flowers to appear right after the snow recedes is the beautiful Pasque Flower. It grows in clumps and would brighten anyone's day with its cheery yellow center. When they go to seed they equally as magical, and I will show you when they are done blooming. (Side Note: in the Dutch language "pasque" means Easter.)

Photos taken with my new macro lens! Woohoo!

Also out and about right now is the Sagebrush Buttercup with its very waxy petals. Both are blooming in and amongst the sage.


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“Smoking is one of the leading causes of statistics.” – Fletcher Knebel


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