Off the Grid  Retirement at our remote log cabin in Colorado

Saturday, August 12, 2017

A Quick Trip to the Snowy Range

Posted by: Lynne

Last weekend, when we had company, we decided on the spur of the moment to drive up to the Snowy Range. It's the closest place we know of to get "up close and personal" with true mountain peaks. This time of year though they aren't quite as "snowy" but still beautiful.

This is Medicine Bow Peak, (above) where in 1995 a United airlines plane crashed right into the side of the mountain, killing all 66 passengers plus the crew on board. In those days it was the most deadly airline incident ever to be reported. Airplanes were not pressurized back then and the plane was supposed to have kept to an altitude of 10,000 (the peak is at 12,000) and fog blanketing the top of the mountain was suspected to be the culprit, although no one really knows. 

We stopped at the top and took the short walk to Lake Marie (the spot where numerous dog photos have been made!).

(Note: This photo was taken on our last visit in July)

The flowers were plentiful, unlike the visit we made in the spring hoping to catch all the spring alpine flowers in bloom only to find them lacking. No so on this visit.

On our way back we ate lunch in the tiny town of Centennial, Wyoming at the Old Corral. Such a fun western atmosphere and really good food — we'll be eating here again.

All in all, a really nice little day trip.


Next time I come visit that will on the to do list!  grin  Not a lot of snow but still enough to make a few snowballs.  Really gorgeous flowers and pictures.

We so enjoy your pictures - I sure am jealous. Many thanks.

Larry & Helga, thanks so much for keeping up with our adventures. I know I should post more, and I promise I will. I do post a lot of photos on Facebook, but I need to be documenting things here as well as there for those friends that don’t do Facebook. Miss having you as a neighbor!

Thanks Lynne,

Very nice pics.  In the high country, Crater Lake, Oregon, the Blues or the Eagles or Oregon and Idaho, Joseph in far eastern Oregon, or the high Rockies, I think it smells different.  If we camped up there, at dawn, it was an interesting experience to wake up to that clean environment. 
Thanks for reminding me of those very wonderful experiences from my youth.


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“Victory belongs to the most persevering.” – Napoleon Bonaparte


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