Off the Grid  Retirement at our remote log cabin in Colorado

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Miracles do Happen

Posted by: Rick

If you've followed this blog for long you've seen posts like this one or this one about FedEx's inability to figure out how to deliver packages to us. That makes this photo priceless:

FedEx Freight delivered two palettes of sand (for sand blasting the cabin, more on that later) directly to our driveway on Tuesday! I guess the driver got pretty lost and one of the crew working on the cabin had to go find him.


I can certainly understand how that delivery would be monumental.  I am anxious to hear about sand blasting the cabin, I’ve never heard of that before.  But from that picture the thing that I see is all of that green.  I remember my first year in Boulder, that winter, I thought spring would never come.  It was winter, on and on, not letting go and then it seemed like over night it was summer.  I see that green, it will happen.
Also, how was the adventure in the trailer?  Did it pull well?  Did you have a good trip?


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“Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion.” – Georg Wilhelm, O Magazine, September 2003


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