Off the Grid  Retirement at our remote log cabin in Colorado

Monday, September 04, 2017

WANTED: The couple that poached wood from our property

Posted by: Lynne

I can't quite believe it, but while we were gone for the day yesterday, September 3rd, our neighbor caught someone cutting wood from our property. He did not challenge them because he said they kind of acted like they belonged and thought maybe we had given someone permission to cut. Uhm, NO. When he came back a little later they had gone. He said the wood was piled four feet high in the back of their pickup. I think they owe us for a cord of wood.

This is very upsetting to say the least. We don't know who they were but we have a pretty good description of them and their truck (full description follows). Late last year we closed off the road to the public (with permission) that travels back through our land and on back to only three other property owners where the road dead ends. We put up a sturdy rope with a clip (no lock) and Private Property/No Trespassing signs on either side. These people undid the rope, passed through and put the rope back up again. Maybe they are illiterate? Maybe they just don't know that you just don't do those kinds of things?

So, the man was 6' about 250 lbs, 50+ years of age with a long white beard. The woman with him was roughly the same age, blonde hair. They were driving a Dodge dooley pickup, silver/gray/blue: no license plate number since the tailgate was down and he couldn't see one. He said he's seen the man around at HOA meetings cutting wood on BLM land that borders our properties. He has also been known to wear a black sailor's cap.

If this description matches anyone you know in Sand Creek Park please let us know. We did make file a crime report with the Larmier County Sheriff's office.

Who knows, they might be doing illegal things on your land in the near future!


The nerve! Sounds like he thinks wood is public property. Is it possible he thought he was on BLM land and was simply mistaken?

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“The people I distrust most are those who want to improve our lives but have only one course of action.” – Frank Herbert


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