Off the Grid  Retirement at our remote log cabin in Colorado

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Progress on PV System

Posted by: Rick

I posted a lengthy article about our off-the-grid utilities earlier. In that article I said we'd need to add some additional PV charging capacity in order to be able to live at the cabin full-time. 

It has been quite a journey and taken all summer long, but last week we made significant progress. (I say "we", but all the work is being done by Burnham & Sun, a PV specialist from Fort Collins.)

First, earlier this summer the new batteries did get installed. We now have 12 batteries instead of 8, and since they are new we should have significantly more storage capacity.

Our new solar panels are finally installed!

And, at the end of last week, the new PV panels were finally installed. It has been a nightmare trying to locate contractors to do the excavation work, trenching and concrete work needed. The front range of Colorado is undergoing a huge growth spurt and contractors are simply not interested in small jobs that are two hours away. Sam at Burham & Sun finally got some people to do the work and  the panels are mounted. This week, she will lay the conduit and cables, wire the panels into a charge controller and hook them up to the batteries.

The next step in our need for additional power is to re-install the wind turbine. I bet that will be an interesting adventure, too.



I may need to borrow your list of items. Gotta do the same thing myself.

It must be a relief having them installed! Can they take a lot of snowfall or do you have to do something in the winter to protect them?

Steve, the panels and support structure are designed to take both the snow and wind load in the area. At their angle, most snow will slide off. But, I will probably need to go out with a broom and clean them off sometimes—I do that for the panels on the roof. Not so much because of the load, but because the panels need to be cleared to work well.

I have been caught up and enjoyed. Can’t remember to ask questions when we talk.  I love the looks of the shed

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Quote of the Day

“Where there is hatred, let me sow love. Where there is injury, pardon. Where there is doubt, faith.” – Saint Francis of Assisi


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