Off the Grid  Retirement at our remote log cabin in Colorado

Wednesday, March 04, 2015

You’re going to WHAT?

Posted by: Lynne

That's the kind of reaction I get when I tell people we are retiring to our cabin in Colorado. We also get lots of questions. What follows are a few examples.

Q: Where is your nearest neighbor?  A: Over the hill.

Q: Where do you get your mail?  A: We're not quite sure but we think down at the Wooden Shoe in Wyoming. We have to figure out how to do it because we live in Colorado, yet get our mail in Wyoming.

Q: Do you have electricity? A: Yes, but provided by the wind and the sun, not by any company. We do have a gas-powered backup generator. We have a propane tank for heat, range & fridge.

Q: What about phones? A: Our cell phones don't work very well up there. There is always chat on the computer! Either that or go outside and stand in a certain spot in the yard.

Q: Do you cook on the wood stove? A: Well, we can but we prefer to use our propane gas range.

Q: Do you have all-year access? A: Not really. We could be snowed in for weeks at times. It just depends on the snowfall and the wind.

Q: What happens in case of emergency?  A: In good weather the hospital in Laramie is only 45 minutes away. For winter if could be iffy. We can always sign up for a yearly contract for emergency helicopter service.

It's at this point where people's eyes are starting to glaze over ... I can tell they are losing interest.

One of our friends (whose mother is in a nursing home) asked if someone was available to come in if we needed home health care. Our answer was that if you were to the point where you needed in-home care you don't live up there anymore.

Q: Where is the nearest restaurant? Uhm, that would be Wood's Landing. It's a great place. Be sure and try the bull fries, they are actually quite good. Also feed the jukebox money and play yourself some Ian Tyson. Maybe dance a little two-step?

Q: Where is the nearest mall that has a Nordstrom's? (that question coming from neighbor Kim).  A: Hmm...not sure. Cherry Creek in Denver?

And the biggest and most frequently asked question: WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO???



Hopefully go horseback riding with our neighbor.

Watch the clouds.

Take the T@B and travel around. See new sights.

Take the summer one year and drive to Alaska.

Rick wants to learn how to play the guitar.

I'll continue to knit.


Look out the window.

Watch the wildlife.

Cut wood/stack wood.

Live life and enjoy every minute of it.

Any other questions?


Looks beautiful! Can’t think of any other questions right now, but sure I will have some later!

Just a couple of thoughts…who needs restaurants when one can cook like you guys do???? You can open your own restaurant….

Malls are so overrated (only my opinion)!

Wish your phones worked better, that aspect is going to be tough for me…

Looking forward to visiting… does Amtrak go your way? (only kidding)

Bigsis, I can’t wait to see what you think of it all when you visit, and I certainly hope you will. Amtrak goes through Cheyenne I think…

Malls are definitely overrated!

Maybe we’ll open a restaurant to rival Wood’s Landing! The “Hidden Meadows Diner.”

I admire you for taking the plunge and moving to an area so rural that most of us can’t even conceive of it! I wouldn’t miss Nordy’s but I would be a bit concerned about having to be helicoptered in/out in the event of an emergency. (At least you have that option!) I can’t wait to hear what your first winter is like.

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“I shot an arrow into the air, and it stuck.” – Graffito, in Los Angeles


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