Off the Grid  Retirement at our remote log cabin in Colorado

Friday, May 08, 2015

Feeding Time

Posted by: Lynne

With only two weeks to go before we leave for the cabin (yikes!) my mind is already there. My head is whirling around trying to take that in. So much to do before then!

I thought it might be fun to post what feeding time used to look like. I have to wonder just what were we thinking with such a crew of dogs and cats?!

(from back: Millie, Bode, Bart, Sailor, Daisy, Alex, Indy & Heidi)

(Left to right: Vincent Van Goatee, eBay, Two Shoes & baby Sam)


Follow our adventures living in an off-the-grid cabin in remote Colorado. Kind of like reality TV on a blog!

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“The world belongs to the energetic.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson


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