Off the Grid  Retirement at our remote log cabin in Colorado

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Posted by: Lynne

We are counting the days until our departure. Count 'em: two to go!

In case I didn't mention it before, we have decided that it's time for Lex to stretch his legs and see how he performs on the open road and also on the (probably) muddy dirt roads that lead to the cabin. Most of our drive from the cabin into Laramie is over dirt roads scattered with open range cows and antelope. Lex has a very cool feature that adjusts the suspension for different rides. Our roads can become very washboarded and rough, so it will be interesting to see if that feature makes a difference. It's just not a good vehicle for up there until it gets coated with red mud!

Our grass seed arrived safe and sound here in New Jersey. Now we just need to carry it back to Colorado and spread it around our meadow so the moose, deer and elk will come more often. 

I am looking forward to blogging from my own computer this year. In years past I've only had my iPad or share Rick's laptap. Now I have my own since we replaced my outdated desktop computer. Have computer, will travel! Woohoo! I am loving the laptop. Now I won't have to transfer all my photos off Rick's when I get home. I am hoping to feel inspired this year to take really interesting photos. We shall see.

We pack up the truck tomorrow!


Follow our adventures living in an off-the-grid cabin in remote Colorado. Kind of like reality TV on a blog!

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Quote of the Day

“Youth would be an ideal state if it came a little later in life.” – Herbert Henry Asquith


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