Off the Grid  Retirement at our remote log cabin in Colorado

Thursday, June 02, 2016

Game Camera Shots

Posted by: Rick

We have a couple of game cameras set up on the property. And, we move them around based on where we think the wild traffic will be. We also use some to monitor the property just in case we get unwanted visitors of the human kind.

The game cameras can take still photos, videos, or time-lapse videos. Right now, I have two set up at Serenity Point where two game trails come together. One is taking stills, the other video.

We got this nice shot (and video) of a coyote a few days ago. I've created a Game Camera gallery that you can visit occasionally to see what't new. It doesn't make sense to post every interesting game camera shot here on the main site. And, for videos, I'll try to set up a YouTube playlist or something. In any case, you can visit our YouTube Channel to always see the latest videos we've taken whether with the game cameras, normal video, or slow motion.

Here is the video of the coyote:

Next entry: Yet Another Moose

Previous entry: After Dinner Drive


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“We must believe in luck. For how else can we explain the success of those we don’t like?” – Jean Cocteau


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