Off the Grid  Retirement at our remote log cabin in Colorado

Friday, July 07, 2017

Jack and Jill Came Up the Hill

Posted by: Rick

We recently had a visitor for a week. More than anything else, she wanted to see some moose. But, we seemed to be in a moose drought. 

My mother had visited a few weeks earlier and we had a Moose-a-paloosa. We saw four moose on three different occasions. After that, nothing.

Jack and Jill

On the last day of the visit, we took a "game drive" in the truck and drove to all the likely spots where we might see a moose. We did see a herd of 25 to 30 elk, but no moose. 

As we were driving along the road toward home past a spot where you can peer into our meadow, I saw a moose! It was there in the meadow at the cabin. We did not need to leave to go see a moose, it came to us. We drove into the driveway and quietly entered the cabin. We then saw there were two moose! A boy and a girl. Yearlings. Probably the twins that we saw with their mother last year. We were able to go into our newly fenced yard and observe them as they made their way to the salt lick, where they stood for a long time completely undisturbed by our presence. After a while they made their way down into the bottom of the valley. (Photo of them is above.)

We decided to name them Jack and Jill.


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“The truth is more important than the facts.” – Frank Lloyd Wright


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