Off the Grid  Retirement at our remote log cabin in Colorado

Monday, November 09, 2015

Return to Sender Part 2

Posted by: Rick

This is a follow-up to my earlier post called "Return to Sender" (read the whole thing including the comments to get the story, so far). At the end of that post I mention that a neighbor was going to purchase and install a mail box at the Wooden Shoe Ranch along Sand Creek Road in Wyoming. This is where all our neighbors have planted mail boxes and then use their Sand Creek Park street address to get mail. 

The mail box got installed a while back. I sent a package to David, our neighbor, that contained a letter addressed to the Laramie, Wyoming post master. David placed this letter in our new mailbox and lifted the red flag to indicate outgoing mail. Sure enough, the next day that letter was picked up for delivery to the post master. In that letter I informed the post master that we'd like to use a specific address to get mail delivered to the mail box. We used the same addressing scheme as others do, even noting paranthetically that the physical address is in Sand Creek Park in Colorado.

According to David, we started getting junk mail immediately.

After a couple of weeks, we sent a test letter to ourselves at this proposed address. Since David is checking our mailbox, I told him to look for it and to open it if it arrived -- it had a nice personal message inside actually meant for him and his wife.

It was returned to us, unopened, yesterday.


So, I've sent a new package to David with a new letter to the post master so we can try again. This whole address issue is turning out to be as complicated as everyone said it would be!


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“Learning to live in the present moment is part of the path of joy.” – Sarah Ban Breathnach


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