Off the Grid  Retirement at our remote log cabin in Colorado

Thursday, June 04, 2015

Rock Formations

Posted by: Lynne

Let me first say that Sand Creek Park and the area surrounding it has some pretty unusual rock formations. The sandstone over centuries has been worn away and some interesting shapes have occurred. This particular landmark everyone seems to know by name. But I will not name it here. It's _____ Point.

This particular piece of property has some very interesting formations and wonderful views. Many of the rocks feature this strange striation running through them. Some geological event caused this square rock ridge to appear.

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This one reminds me of a turtle with its neck stuck out! Same striations.

Well, if the first photo has a name, so does this rock.

The views were spectacular. You can see the sandstone ridge in the background highlighted by the sun and also Camel Rock if you look closely enough.

A mini arch in the making!

It almost makes me want to go back to school to study geology. Almost.

Next entry: Laundry

Previous entry: I Need an Altitude Adjustment


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“Get pleasure out of life…as much as you can. Nobody every died from pleasure.” – Sol Hurok


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