Off the Grid  Retirement at our remote log cabin in Colorado

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Baby Moose

Posted by: Rick

We are not sure how we missed this around noon yesterday, but here is a very short clip from the game camera that shows a cow moose and her new baby. I am going to lower the camera, so maybe if this happens again, we'll get a better shot.


Is it too soon for me to start preparing for an early retirement in northern Colorado?  H

Also, there is nothing cuter than a baby moose.  I wonder if this is the momma from the other young moose in the neighborhood.

Toni, it’s never too soon! wink
It could very well be the momma of the young bull moose we saw. This baby was not very old, so she may have given him the heave-ho to make room for this little guy.

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“Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.” – Oscar Wilde


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