Off the Grid  Retirement at our remote log cabin in Colorado

Monday, June 20, 2016

Fishing Lesson!

Posted by: Lynne

The other day in the driveway I got my very first lesson on fly fishing. All I did was practice casting and I had a little trouble getting the hang of it. This morning dawned bright and beautiful, so after eating a light breakfast and walking the dogs we went down to Bucky Beaver's pond for me to try out my not-so-great new skills on actual water.

We spooked up a herd of six or so antelope but these two got separated from the herd. There have been a bunch of antelope hanging out up here by the cabin which is kind of unusual as they tend to keep a little lower down.

After a few false casts I did manage to get a few that got "beautiful cast" and "nice one" from Rick. I tend to move my wrist and not my whole arm when casting, something that just takes time and practice to get the feel of it. I didn't catch any fish, but I had fun trying. It was so peaceful there with just the birdsong and one bird/duck/grouse that had a strange call that sounded like an Apache hiding in the bushes. Not sure what it was as it never revealed itself to us. 

Right now the wild iris are in bloom. They love the wetter lands close to ponds and streams.

Monument plants are also in bloom. Strange plants; beautiful blooms up close!

All in all I would say it was a successful morning, fish or no fish. As Rick always says, it's about the fishing, not the catching.

Such a pretty spot, don't you agree?


I love that its so green.  Starting to brown up down here.  Funny how fast a week of hot/ dry weather can change things so fast.  Looks and sounds like a fun day!

Debra, it’s just beautiful up here! Wish you could come up! We need rain here too and supposed to be a t-storm later today and then again later in the week. I don’t want to see the brown arrive!

It IS a pretty spot. I’ve never heard of a monument plant. Interesting!

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“I have always felt that a politician is to be judged by the animosities he excites among his opponents.” – Sir Winston Churchill


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