Off the Grid  Retirement at our remote log cabin in Colorado

Thursday, February 02, 2017

Avalanche Slope

Posted by: Lynne

Yesterday we donned snow shoes and took Bella and Destin to the bottom (which is what we call Hidden Meadows Lane where it winds between our two pieces of property). This area is also dubbed "Avalance Slope" for reasons that will become obvious as our pictorial goes along.

Above is the way it looks now, and below are two photos of the "before". You can see the same tree in all photos. The first before shot is in November, the second in mid-December before we had those big snows around Christmas and New Year's. 

All is buried except for the tallest tree. You can look at the snow level in the first photo and draw a line in the first "before" photo to get an idea of the total snow depth. Pretty amazing, is it not?

Here we are making our way around the huge drift. There's a road in there somewhere!

Here you can see the drift at the top. It looks like a huge wave cresting — look out below if it breaks! This is why Destin is on a leash. With his propensitiy for taking off up sheer cliffs we didn't want him anywhere near that unstable snow.

We expect what happens when that big wave of snow does come loose will look like these "jelly rolls" of snow we found one year in Februrary in one of our trips up to the cabin. I think it might have been 2004 or 2005. 

Here is another example of before and after:

So, yes, we have a little bit of snow!

Next entry: Frustrated, but Through Segment #1

Previous entry: Keepin’ On


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“A celebrity is one who is known to many persons he is glad he doesn’t know.” – H. L. Mencken


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