Off the Grid  Retirement at our remote log cabin in Colorado

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Pork Chile Verde in the Wood Stove

Posted by: Rick

As our winter preparation projects wind down and we move into winter, you are likely to see more food-oriented posts on the Off the Grid blog. Here is what we had for dinner last night:

This is a Pork Chile Verde (Green Chile Stew) recipe that you can find on the web site.

It is pretty easy to make with minimal ingredients. You just need about 4-5 hours to let it cook. Since it cooks at a low temperature, we decided to cook it in the oven of our wood burning stove.

The "old fashioned" wood burning stove.

The stove actually has a large oven. We've done a 13 pound turkey in there before!

Of course, keeping the oven at 225° means adding a stick of wood now and then. And, eventually, the cabin gets quite warm. We had the front door open by the time the stew was done.

Next entry: Magical Morning

Previous entry: Clouds: Going and Coming


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“You don’t stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop laughing.” – Michael Pritchard


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