Off the Grid  Retirement at our remote log cabin in Colorado

Thursday, November 03, 2016

Magical Morning

Posted by: Lynne

Yesterday morning was a bit magical. We had rain and a little bit of snow overnight. Not much, just enough to make the ground crunchy. As we sat drinking our coffee a big bank of fog rolled in and enveloped the cabin like a white fluffy cocoon. That good old Colorado sun came out and the fog bank retreated to linger along Bull Mountain.

It shifted and changed on our walk with the dogs. Fascinating.

When we returned from our walk the little aspen grove beside the cabin was glittering with drops of water from the melting snow. I soon became caught up in trying out different focuses and came up with some pretty cool photos of the sun through droplets of water. You may or may not agree, but here they are!

The clothesline.

I became fascintated by the prisms and how each droplet seemed to reflect a different spectrum.


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Quote of the Day

“An empty head is not really empty; it is stuffed with rubbish. Hence the difficulty of forcing anything into an empty head.” – Eric Hoffer


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