Off the Grid  Retirement at our remote log cabin in Colorado

Sunday, May 15, 2016

We’ve arrived!

Posted by: Lynne

This photo was taken on the way in. You can see Rick pulling the Tab in front of me. It rained on us, and hailed a bit then stopped long enough to get some things in from the cars before it cut loose again.

Here is Rick checking the mail. Nope, no mail.

We can't get down our driveway -- too much snow!! We could not believe our eyes. So we had to park at the top of the driveway and lug stuff down through the snowdrifts that are left. In the rain, mind you. We only brought down the groceries and a few other things for now and we are hoping we figure out a solution for getting rid of the snow so we can park the Tab where she belongs.

The cabin seems in good shape except for a few things, like a broken pipe from the roof, and a stupid packrat somehow found its way into our screened-in porch and made a big smelly nest underneath the wood rack. Peeuw! We'll tackle that another day. 

Right now the heater is running and I made a fire in the wood stove. More to come later, just wanted to let everyone know that we made it, even if we are snowed-out.

Next entry: Snowed Out

Previous entry: Life in the Slow Lane


Follow our adventures living in an off-the-grid cabin in remote Colorado. Kind of like reality TV on a blog!

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“Praise youth and it will prosper.” – Irish Proverb


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