Off the Grid  Retirement at our remote log cabin in Colorado

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Life in the Slow Lane

Posted by: Lynne

No rain! No ROADWORK (well, almost)! No bad wind!

The roadwork was minimal, just merging into one lane for a short time in here in Nebraska, but nothing to slow us down like the previous days. A good day on the road! Geez, the traffic is incredible. So many trucks, and they seemed to come in pods of ten or more. Or what do you call a bunch of trucks together??

The really nice thing is that we are experiencing life in the SLOW  lane which pretty much coincides with what we are doing with our lives. Normally we are going great guns to get to our destination at or slightly above the speed limit. That meant weaving in and out of traffic in Iowa with all those bloody trucks and all those lovely rolling hills. BUT ... when you are driving below the speed limit, everyone passes you by making for a much less stressful trip. Life in the slow lane so far is wonderful.

The drive itself is turlning out to be much better than I had anticipated. Ian Tyson took me all the way through the state of Pennsylvania, and I think he was on song #84 when I finally had to give him up. America's Test Kitchen podcasts took me through Ohio and Indiana and into our stop last night. I cannot imagine them without Christopher Kimball and his profound closing comments. What will happen to them now? I know that I am buying Wishbone Chunky Blue Cheese Dressing when we shop in Laramie before heading in to the cabin. This morning found me singing along to Alan Jackson and laughing out loud at some of the lyrics. Enya (I have no excuses) got me from the state line of Nebraska to here.

Tonight we are in North Platte, Nebraska and only 300 miles from the cabin. Considering we started out with 1800 miles in front of us, 300 feels like a sneeze as compared to the flu. 

Awaiting our Chinese take-out delivery now!

Cabin, ready or not, here we come!!!


Later ... we just finished our meal and you might not want to order from the Chinese take-out place in North Platte after all ....


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Quote of the Day

“After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.” – Aldous Huxley, “Music at Night”, 1931


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