Off the Grid  Retirement at our remote log cabin in Colorado

Friday, May 29, 2015

Lemonade from Lemons

Posted by: Rick

This post has nothing to do with lemons.

I made a batch of bread on Monday evening. I use the "No Work Bread" recipe/technique from Mark Bittman. It seemed a bit moist, but it fermented nicely and I think in NJ it would have made a phenomenal loaf of bread. Mine cooked forever when I baked it mid-afternoon on Tuesday. The crust was poorly colored, but thick and dry. The crumb was still moist. Basically, it was a failed attempt at bread. 

So with the failed bread, we tried a dessert recipe I'd been wanting to cook for a long time: Emeril Lagasses's New Orlean's Style Bread Pudding with Whiskey Sauce.

Now that was absolutely delicious!

The bread we did not use went to the birds.

And, I tried again today. It came out better, but I still have work to do to sort out cooking this bread at high altitude. More about all the affects of high altitude in a future post.


Your probably higher than me @ 5640 but welcome to the high altitude extended cooking time!

Kettster, we are at 8,600+ so a bit higher than Albuquerque!

I was wondering how you baked bread at such a high altitude.  I have enough trouble baking it down here in NC!

Glad the recipe turned out…sounds yummy!

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“A life lived in chaos is an impossibility…” – Madeleine L’Engle


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