Off the Grid  Retirement at our remote log cabin in Colorado

Friday, May 29, 2015

Thursday Sunset “Time-Lapse” and Thoughts

Posted by: Lynne

This was the sunset on Thursday evening. It was a pretty quiet day wildlife-wise today. We did have a herd of seven deer cross the meadow early this morning. We were gone most of the morning on a trip in to Laramie so we don't really know what happened while we were gone.The moose made an appearance late afternoon but only down by the salt lick and he didn't come into the meadow. Still, he was here.

We sat on the front porch with our bread pudding with whiskey sauce that we made from our failed bread and just listened to the evening sounds. The Great-Horned Owl was in the Ewok Forest hoo-hoo-hooing, the first time we've heard him this year. We've had a Great Horned for many, many years and since I don't think they live that long it must be offspring of theirs still living in our woods. A very nice thought. Hearing the owl made up for the lack of wildlife. (Hah, listen to me complaining we only saw a herd of seven deer and the moose at the salt lick! Maybe we're becoming spoiled?)

Rick went inside to do something and I stayed on the porch, just taking it all in. Here are the thoughts that ran through my head.

I hear:

  • the gurgling and splash of Bart's creek down in the bottom
  • the "mexican fiesta bird" aka the Ruby-Crowned Kinglet singing his little Mexican ditty : mammachita-mammachita-mammachita (repeat super fast)
  • the Great Horned Owl
  • the light-saber-wielding-whizzing of the hummingbirds
  • the chitting of the chipmunks.

I smell:

the smoke from our woodstove mingling with the scent of wet sage.

I stayed on the porch until the owl stopped as night fell.

And I have this as a final good-bye to the evening. 

Do you have any more questions as to why we want to be here?


Just gorgeous!!!!!!!!

What a beautiful sunset (and it looks so peaceful, too!)

I am there.

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Quote of the Day

“There is but one temple in the universe and that is the body of man.” – Novalis


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