Off the Grid  Retirement at our remote log cabin in Colorado

Friday, November 04, 2016

“Big Boy” the Elk

Posted by: Rick

I think we may call both a big moose and a big elk "Big Boy". Or, maybe Lynne has a different name for the big elk we are now seeing on the game cameras. (Would love to see him in person!) Is this the same elk that we saw a couple of years ago with a large herd walking through our meadow?

Big Boy the elk at the salt lick.

Maybe the same elk from a few years ago?

We have all game camera shots that we think are worth keeping in one of our photo galleries. You can see it here, or link to it from the links on the right side of this page--just scroll down to "Photo Galleries". The most recent shots are on the second page, including three nice shots of Big Boy.


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“Only the mediocre are always at their best.” – Jean Giraudoux (1882 – 1944)


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