Topics on This Site
Stories about weaving -
New Jersey
Posts about our move from Colorado to New Jersey.- We Are Moving to New Jersey
- Hectic Times
- No Left Turn
- Daisy is a "Registered" Dog
- Weather Station is Up-And-Running in NJ
- Life's a Bear
- I Need to Write
- Fingernails
- 11 January
- Good News, Bad News, Good News, Bad News
- Shrooms of October
- Closed the Pool for 2009
- Slow Motion Waterfall
- Pretty, Perfect Day
- Chinatown Food Tour
- Hurricane Preparedness
- After Irene
- The Big Snow
- Immature Bald Eagle
- The Difference a Week Makes
- Pool is Closed for 2012
- Rain, rain and more rain
- Without Electricity
- New Feature on Weather Station
- The House is Now Wired for a Generator
- First Use of Wired-In Generator
- Plated
- 2013 Pool Opening
- Flowers on the Deck
- Nice Weekend
- Happy 4th of July, 2013! [Updated with Photos]
- Mid-Summer
- Day Lily Blooming Time-Lapse
- Great Swim Tonight
- Change in the Air
- I Couldn't Have Said It Better
- Robbie the Robot
- Decadence Defined
- Final Swim - 2013
- Pretty Perfect Day
- This Week's Cocktail - Mojito
- June 11, 2014
- Fishing the Beaverkill
Cabin News
The latest and greatest news from our cabin in Sand Creek Park.- Moose at the Cabin
- I Held a Hummingbird in my Hand
- A Really Big Moose!
- Is My Solar Electric System Problem Solved?
- Great Weekend at the Cabin
- Moose Everywhere!
- Agaricus Amicosus Omelette
- Bear Sighting
- Agaricus Silvicola -- For Breakfast
- Catey Coyote
- Cabin Refrigerator
- Wildflowers at our Cabin
- More on Wildflowers
- Wild Mushroom Gallery
- Great Cabin Visit
- 4th of July Week at the Cabin
- Novice Mycophagist #3 "The Oyster Tree"
- Internet and TV at the Cabin
- Christmas at the Cabin, Day -1
- Christmas at the Cabin, Day 1
- Christmas at the Cabin, Day 1, Part 2
- Christmas at the Cabin, Day 2
- Christmas at the Cabin, Day 3
- Christmas at the Cabin, Christmas Day
- Christmas at the Cabin, Day 5
- Christmas at the Cabin, Day 6 (Tuesday)
- Christmas at the Cabin, Day 7 (Wednesday)
- Christmas at the Cabin, Day 8 (Thursday)
- Christmas at the Cabin, Day 8, Part 2
- Christmas at the Cabin, Day 9
- Christmas at the Cabin, Day 10, New Years Eve
- Christmas at the Cabin, Day 11, New Years Day
- Christmas at the Cabin, Day 11, Part Two
- Christmas at the Cabin, Day 12
- Wind Turbine Experiment
- Walks
- One Week and Counting
- 1st Day On the Road
- Second Day on the Road
- Day 1
- The Dogs Remember
- Monday
- Saturday Update
- Is it Really Thursday?
- Trip Summary
- Hummingbird Movies
- Cabin Visit 2010 - Day 1
- Cabin Visit 2010 - Day 2
- Cabin Visit 2010 - Day 3
- Cabin Visit 2010 - Day 4 & 5
- Cabin Visit 2010 - Day 6
- Cabin Visit 2010 - Day 7
- Cabin Visit 2010 - Day 8
- Cabin Visit 2010 - Day 9
- Cabin Visit 2010 - Day 10
- Cabin Visit 2010 - Day 11
- Cabin Visit 2010 - Day 12
- Cabin Visit 2010 - Day 12 & 13
- Cabin Visit 2010 - Day 14
- The Annual Migration
- Day Two 2011 Cabin Trip
- Day Three 2011 Cabin Trip
- Day Four 2011 Cabin Trip
- Day Five 2011 Cabin Trip
- Day Six 2011 Cabin Trip
- Success!
- Day Seven 2011 Cabin Trip (Wed)
- Day Eight 2011 Cabin Trip (Thursday)
- Day Nine 2011 Cabin Trip
- Day 10
- Day Eleven 2011 Cabin Trip (Sunday)
- Day Twelve, Monday
- Day Thirteen, Tuesday
- Day Fourteen, Wednesday
- Days 15 & 16, 2011 Cabin Trip
- Heading Home
- Annual Migration
- 2012 Cabin Trip Day 1
- Memorial Day Arrival
- Bella Running in Slow Mo
- Where the Antelope Play
- Just When You Thought It Was Safe...
- Critters
- Waterfalls
- More of Silly Bella
- More Hummingbirds - And, No Surprises This Time
- Leaping Ground Squirrel
- Hummingbirds Sparring
- Cabin Arrival - 2013
- Cabin Day 1, 2013 - Morning
- Cabin Day 1, 2013 - Afternoon
- Cabin Day 2, 2013 - Morning Chores
- Cabin Day 2, 2013 - Afternoon
- Cabin Day 3, 2013 - Provisioning
- Cabin Day 4, 2013 - Another Nice Day
- Cabin Day 5, 2013 - History
- Cabin Day 6, 2013
- Cabin Day 7, 2013 - Not Much
- Cabin Day 8, 2013 - Winter at the Cabin
- Cabin Day 9, 2013 - Another Provisioning
- Cabin Day 10, 2013 - Place Names
- Cabin Day 11, 2013
- Cabin Day 12, 2013
- Cabin Day 13, 2013 - Prep for Home
- Cabin Day 15 -- Last Days #1
- Cabin Day 16--Last Days #2
- Cabin Trip 2013 - Trip Summary
- Time Lapse Sunrise
- Cabin Trip 2014 - First Day on the Road
- Cabin Trip 2014 -- 2nd Day On The Road
- Cabin Trip 2014 -- Day 2
- Cabin Trip 2014 - Day Three - Internet
- Cabin Trip 2014 - Day Three - The Rest
- Cabin Trip 2014 - Days Four & Five
- Cabin Trip 2014 - Day Seven? - Cabin Transformation
- Cabin Trip 2014 - One Week In
- Cabin Trip 2014 - Is it Thursday Already?
- Whatever Happened To...? Strike Anywhere Matches
- Cabin Trip 2014 - Day (Wow, this is like day) 13
- Cabin Trip 2014 - I Think it is Day 15
- Cabin Trip 2014 - Last Days
My experiences making and eating homemade cheeses. -
Dog Stuff
All kinds of information about dogs, especially our Bernese Mountain Dogs.- Training Dogs and Leading People
- Yes, Dogs can Nurse Kittens
- Sailor Wins 5-Point Major!
- Bernese Mountain Dogs
- Natural Pet Repellent
- We Lost Mira This Week
- A New Member of our Family
- Scottsbluff Dog Show
- Heidi turns 11!
- Training Dogs not to Bark
- Hailey Gave Us Quite A Scare
- Sailor Wins His AKC Championship!
- SAILOR: New AKC Champion!
- Alex Wins Points in Pueblo
- Millennia's Christmas
- Alex Is Doing Great at Denver Shows
- How to do Everything
- Heidi Turns 12
- Alex is Good and Normal
- Hailey Loves Winter
- Heidi is Gone
- Keeping a Dog Yard Green
- Bart Being Bart
- Dogs Drinking Slowly
- Ticks
- Millenia is Gone
- Lazy Daisy
- One Week and Counting
- The Dogs Remember
- Day Fourteen, Wednesday
- Bella Bog Wash
- God Made a Dog
- The Ultimate Internet Video
- Nice Weekend
- No Renn Faire Today
- Alex is in the Hospital
- Rest in Peace - Alex; 10/24/2002 - 9/8/2013
- Cabin Trip 2014 - One Week In
- The Dog Show
Cat Stuff
The dog's have their area after all.- Yes, Dogs can Nurse Kittens
- Natural Pet Repellent
- A Cat Show Comes to Town
- Call us Crazy! "Sam I Am" Joins the Family
- Sam is at His First Show -- Updated
- Two Shoes: June 1984 - September 27, 2004
- Sam I Am is a Premier (Champion) Show Cat
- Sam is Answering the Phone
- One Week and Counting
- The Dogs Remember
- Vincent is gone
- Rest in Peace, Sam
- The Ultimate Internet Video
- Cabin Trip 2014 - One Week In
Stuff You Gotta Know!
This could be my miscellaneous category, except you really gotta know this stuff!- The World's Best Green Chili Cheeseburger
- I'm not a fan of cynicism and pessimism, but ...
- Does spelling really matter?
- America's first "road trip"
- The Parable of the Blind Men and the Elephant
- People Over 25 Should be Dead!
- Customer Service, NOT!
- 3D Images
- Rick Hits Major Milestone Today
- I Bought Something from an Infomercial
- A Terrific Web Site for One-of-a-Kind, Hand-made Stuffed Animals
- The House Needs New Shingles?!
- The Impact of Tax Cuts
- My Thoughts on the War in Iraq
- What Kind of Country Do We Live In?
- Woot!
- Another Christmas Idea
- Lifetime Guarantee
- Christmas at our House
- Our Christmas Tree
- Recent German Visit
- Recycle Your Old Cell Phone
- How to do Everything
- I'm Losing Things (Maybe My Sanity)
- Avalon Aviary
- Recipe Site Upgrade
- Keeping a Dog Yard Green
- A Second Chance
- We Have Decisions to Make
- Detecting a Stroke
- There is a Lesson Here Somewhere
- Soap Making
- Want to Read our "Christmas at the Cabin" Articles in Order?
- Lynne Has Started Her Own Blog
- Weather Station is Up-And-Running in NJ
- Joyful Moments
- Life's a Bear
- Ever Seen Popcorn Pop?
- Dogs Drinking Slowly
- Finally, I Write
- Final Post of the Year
- 1st January
- 3rd January
- 11 January
- Men's Problems
- Grocery Line Awareness
- Fireworks
- Question of the Week
- My First NJ Fish
- Shopping Around Pays Off
- Take Me Out to the Ball Game
- Obsessions
- Tropical Storm Watch
- Slo Mo Kung Fu
- Virtues
- Christmas Dinner was Great
- Visited States
- Countries Visited
- First Swim of the Season
- Almost Summer?
- Rental Car Mystery
- One Week and Counting
- Sunday Night
- TV and Staying in Touch
- Trip Summary
- Hummingbird Movies
- Slow-Mo Shot of STS128 Night Liftoff
- Catch!
- A Very Cool Poem
- Slow Motion Waterfall
- Relativity
- The Perfect Drive
- Yesterday We Took Something Very Precious from a 95 Year Old Woman, It's All about Whiskey
- I Must Have the Word "Sucker" Tattooed on my Forehead
- 5 July 2010
- 7 July 2010
- 11 July 2010
- 17 July 2010
- July 29, 2010
- NY Times uses Phantom Cameras
- 1 September 2010
- 12 September 2010
- The Groomer is Sick
- Great Migrations
- Playing with QR Codes
- The Cats Love Their iPad
- The Road to Home
- Lynne Does Her Turkey Call
- Another Test
- What a Great Day!
- "New" Jersey Girl
- Shanghai at Night
- People's Garden in Shanghai
- Pretty, Perfect Day
- It's too darn hot
- Chinatown Food Tour
- The "One Term" Party
- Hurricane Preparedness
- The Annual Migration
- Day One 2011 Cabin Trip
- Day Two 2011 Cabin Trip
- Hanging Out in the Drug Store
- The Big Snow
- SciTech Academy Awards
- The End of the Season
- Monday Chores
- Picnic at Snowy Range
- Smoke from High Park Fire
- Hooray for Today!
- Two Day Driving Class
- Pool is Closed for 2012
- Rain, rain and more rain
- Hurricane Sandy, Day Two - Copied from Lynne
- Without Electricity
- Welcome to 2013
- Got the "Fancy Gallery" Going
- Old Hummingbird Movie
- Another Hummingbird Post
- I Need Ideas
- The Search for a New Truck
- Alex Brings Us Joy
- A Closer Look
- Anchor Me Here
- The Great Sundering
- Fly On Out
- The Dance of the Honey Bee
- Vinyl
- NAB 2013
- The Ultimate Internet Video
- 2013 Pool Opening
- Busy Week
- Bella at the Beach
- Flowers on the Deck
- Lime Day
- Happy 4th of July, 2013! [Updated with Photos]
- Mid-Summer
- Sleep Number 0
- Great Swim Tonight
- Robbie the Robot
- Decadence Defined
- T@Bventures
- New "Fancy Gallery" Entry - Everglades
- Lady Bug is Home
- Four Best Everglades Photos
- This Week's Cocktail - Mojito
- Pool is Open
- Last of Summer -- 2014
- Cabin Trip 2014 - Day Three - Internet
- Whatever Happened To...? Strike Anywhere Matches
- Whatever Happened to RESPECT?
- Pileated Woodpecker
- I am "Retired"
- I’m Back
- Welcome!
- Not the short vacation we had hoped for
- Follow-up #1
Food and Cooking
Food, wine, restaurants, even home cooking.- United Way Cooking Classes
- Dawg's Deli
- Whole Foods Opens Store in Fort Collins
- Domenic's Restaurant
- The Inglenook Restaurant in Loveland
- Monaco Trattoria in Loveland
- Recipe Site Upgrade
- Christmas Dinner
- Vegetable Terrine
- Home Made Camembert
- Onion Confit
- Bûche de Noël
- Yet Another Test
- Get Your Goat
- Get Your Goat, Part 2
- Chicken in a Pot
- Chicken Liver Paté
- Dilled Shrimp Salad for Lunch
- Plated
- Cartagena
- Nice Weekend
- Happy 4th of July, 2013! [Updated with Photos]
- Vegetarian Weekend
- Food in San Miguel
- This Week's Cocktail - Mojito
- Today's Cocktail -- Caipirinha
- Cabin Trip 2014 - One Week In
- Prepping for a Big One
Stories of our travels. -
The Business World
Information, serious and funny, about the business world. -
Books I've Enjoyed
If I really like a book and would recommend it, it goes here. -
Mushroom Articles
Follow me as I learn more about mushroom hunting and identification.- Anyone know anything about mushrooms?
- In Search of the Black Morel
- Gyromitra Gigas?
- Mid-Summer Mushrooms
- Agaricus Amicosus Omelette
- Agaricus Silvicola -- For Breakfast
- Wild Mushroom Gallery
- Novice Mycophagist #1
- Novice Mycophagist #2 "To Eat or Not to Eat"
- Novice Mycophagist #3 "The Oyster Tree"
- Novice Mycophagist #4 "Fall Harvest"
- Good News, Bad News, Good News, Bad News
- Shrooms of October
- Morel
- Day Four 2011 Cabin Trip
- Chicken in a Pot
Rick's Family
Content about Rick's family, particularly on his mother's side. Based on old family photos and other memorabilia. -
Site Announcements
Important announcements about this web site.
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A listing of articles available on this site organized by topic.
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- Lynne's Blog
- Our Favorite Recipes
- Colorado Wildflowers (Legacy Gallery)
- Wild Mushrooms (Legacy Gallery)
- Old Family Photos (Legacy Gallery)
Fancy Gallery
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On This Day...
- 2013 Old Hummingbird Movie
- 2022 "Infinity" Cowl